Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Showing Orangutans Knitting....

We went to the Melbourne Zoo on Good Friday with the kids to meet up with friends.

We got there really early so by the time my friend arrived with her little girls, we'd already walked around most of the zoo.  Well over 10000 steps for those with a gear fit.  My feet were killing me so I sat down in the Orangutan enclosure by the viewing window and thought I'd pull my knitting out of my bag and so a spot of knitting on my socks.  I always have knitting with me.

Here is what happened...  Orangutan Experiences Knitting

What wonderful creatures they are!!!

1 comment:

  1. it's fantastic and so cute! the orangutan seems to be so attentive and focused on what you're doing. It must have been a great experience . I wonder if someone studied the ability of apes for knitting or spinning?
    thank you for sharing :-)



The show went well.  Not as well as I would have liked but well enough... Now it's soap I am doing a lot of...Yet another old craft no...